Sunday, 21 September 2008

Gone fishing

Bob says: Fishing is well up there with croc wrestling and kangaroo baiting for most Aussies, so we felt it only right to get involved. My good friend Muni provided the rods and after a slap up BBQ we had a go and caught nothing.

At home with the Parrots

Sunday, 27 July 2008

more Palm Beach

Palm Beach

West Head

Bob says: Winter.bbrrr. We have been visiting Sydneys northern beaches just up the road from where we live. Top picture, showing the beautiful wife, also shows Palm Beach, home to 'Summer Bay'

Sunday, 27 April 2008

Myall Lakes N. P.

Myall Lakes N. P.

Ruth says: This was a bank holiday weekend....look how busy it is. These sand dunes were amazing. When we were in Vietnam we visited a place just to see the sand dunes, but these were far more spectacular, and far more deserted. The other people in the picture were the only people on the whole of this stretch of beach.

Myall Lakes N. P.

Ruth says: This gorgeous national park is just a couple of hours North of Sydney. We watched dolphins surfing just off the shore on this beach which was amazing. We saw sea eagles and wedge tailed eagles and dingoes and black cockatoos.
This was our first camping trip in Oz with all of our camping gear. We had a proper bed again which was wonderful, and even got to use our shelter cos it rained on the first night. The bit of land we were on had the ocean on one side and lakes on the other, and since there had just been a period of two weeks where it had rained at least once every day the lake was rather high and was about two feet away from our tent when we woke up after the first night of rain.
The two top photos are the views from the headland at the tip of one of the beaches.

Sunday, 16 March 2008

More birthday pictures

Ruth says: it was a beautiful day finished off with a gorgeous meal.

Ruth's Birthday

Ruth says: Bob took me out for my 30th for a surprise action packed day.

A few more pics near our flat

Ruth says: The top two pictures are of our local beaches; ones within walking distance. The second picture is where hopefully(fingers crossed) I will be working three mornings a week. Not bad eh? The bottom pictures are taken on walks round the two little peninsulars where we live, and you can just see the ferry that takes us to and from the city behind a tree in the 3rd picture.

Round Our Way

Ruth says: This is the beautiful Mosman Bay, a couple of minutes from our house. This is where we catch the ferry to the city and go on little strolls or jogs or whatever. Our appartment block is the one just to the right of the tallest one on the left of the picture. Obviously we don't have quite as an impressive view as this as there is a big tree in the way, but the leaves are starting to turn, it being autumn, so by winter time we may have one of the best views in Sydney...if not i think Bob has got a bottle of tree poison stashed somewhere.

Monday, 3 March 2008

Hat Head National Park

Ruth says: Hat Head was the most gorgeous place with huge sand dunes, dramatic cliffs and deserted beaches.

More Mount Kaputar National Park

Ruth Says: the sunset was truly spectacular . Standing on the top of the mountain we had 360 degree views of a beautiful orange sky.